This is the second article in an introductory series about compilation, linking, and runtime libraries.

The first article explored how programs are compiled and linked, and how you can use that to solve symbol errors. It’s the best starting point if you have little context.

The final article explore what are compiler low-level runtime libraries and when they’re used. This last article is best read after this one, which introduces the concept via __udivti3.

At my company I led a recent migration of our Python interpreter between C standard libraries. We found that a critical, performance-sensitive journey that heavily used decimals had improved by 6 times (!) after the migration finished between our 2 interpreters. Fixing the old interpreter was still important because it is heavily used by clients using older versions of our software.

The root cause? A multi-year bug in how our compiler dynamically linked at runtime to the _decimal C library when the interpreter tried to import decimal.

A helpful companion is the more beginner-friendly article How to diagnose and mitigate linking errors

Why are we talking about C if this is Python?

Just download the source code of the Python wheel grpcio and count the number of C files:

# Executed from /grpcio-1.66.0
$ find -name "*.c" | wc -l 839

Almost 840 C files! I almost feel catfished, I thought this was a Python — not a C — wheel.

This is because Python heavily uses C extensions in both the interpreter and Python wheels for 2 reasons:

  1. Performance
  2. Access to system calls provided by C but not Python

These Python C extensions are a form of a foreign function interface: functions that allow a programming language to make a function call to a function in another language.

Finding the Python symbol linking error

We didn’t get an explicit error that something was failing — we only saw the 6x performance difference I mentioned above when comparing two different Python interpreters.

I confirmed the issue by running strace on the old interpreter as it imported decimal — which revealed the missing symbol __udivti3:

$ strace -e trace=open,openat /.../usr/bin/python3.10 -c "import _decimal" 2>&1 | grep decimal
open("/.../usr/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload/", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
ImportError: Error relocating /.../usr/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload/ __udivti3: symbol not found

Another way of surfacing the error is by directly importing the _decimal in the interpreter, which bypasses the error handling from import decimal:

>>> import _decimal
Traceback (most recent las call):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, lin <module>
ImportError: Error relocating /.../ __udivti3: symbol not found

Understanding how Python’s decimal module is imported

Python’s native module decimal is a wrapper around 2 functionally-identical backends:

  • _decimal: a C implementation (which itself is a wrapper around mpdecimal)
  • _pydecimal: a pure-Python implementation of the same decimal library

When you run import decimal, Python first tries to load _decimal and if it fails falls back on _pydecimal.

# cpython/Lib/
    from _decimal import *
    from _decimal import __version__  # noqa: F401
    from _decimal import __libmpdec_version__  # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
    import _pydecimal
    import sys
    _pydecimal.__doc__ = __doc__
    sys.modules[__name__] = _pydecimal

See the above code on CPython’s GitHub (link).

Thus, this error hadn’t been seen before because when we imported decimal it silently failed and didn’t notify us of this problem.

To put the performance of both libraries in context, relative to _pydecimal _decimal is:

  • 30x faster for I/O heavy operations
  • 80x faster for numerical computations

How I found the symbol missed by the dynamic linker

Sanity checks: comparing the old and new interpreters

My investigation began with a sanity check that we needed the __udivti3 symbol. Since the error prints the affected file name it’s trivial to do this by inspecting the binary file’s symbol table with nm:

$ nm /.../usr/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload/ | grep _udivti3
        U __udivti3

Since the new interpreter has a very different build, my second sanity check was to confirm that it too needed this __udivti3. This would allow me to discard some hypothesis for how to mitigate the error, such as if this was due to how we compiled the interpreter.

$ nm /.../usr/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload/ | grep _udivti3
0000000000045950 t __udivti3

What is very interesting about this comparison is that the old interpreter expects __udivti3 to be provided by a dynamic library (since it’s an unreferenced symbol) whereas the new interpreter already has it statically linked.

A dead end: inspecting the binaries of the interpreter’s dynamic libraries

Since __udivti3 is unreferenced the compiler will expect it at runtime. The question is: from where?

An effective way to find the dynamic libraries expected by a binary is to use ldd (“list dynamic dependencies”).

$ ldd /.../usr/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload/ (0x00007ffec49fe000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f334600000) => /opt/tm/tools/musl/1.1.18-2/usr/lib/ (0x00007f334000000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f3345cf000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f3345b3000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f3344cc000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f333c00000) /lib/ => /lib64/ (0x00007f3344c52000)

However, none of these file’s symbol tables contained __udivti3:

nm -D /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep _udivti3
nm -D /opt/tm/tools/musl/1.1.18-2/usr/lib/ | grep _udivti3
nm -D /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep _udivti3
nm -D /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep _udivti3
nm -D /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep _udivti3
nm -D /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep _udivti3
nm -D /lib64/ | grep _udivti3

Breakthrough: the compiler’s low-level runtime library

There’s no way to sugarcoat this part: this involved a lot of Googling and wasn’t linear. From a few hours jumping through different references I pieced together 3 things:

  1. __udivti3 is a compiler-provided function that enables 128-bit division on machines that don’t natively support it
  2. The x86-64 instruction set lacks a native instruction for 128-bit division
  3. Compilers provide low-level types for situations like these

Based on the above, I found the symbol in one of my compiler’s objects:

$ nm /.../clang/compiler-rt/lib/linux/libclang_rt.builtins-x86_64.a | grep _udivti3
0000000000000000 T __udivti3

Mitigating the symbol error in the old interpreter

There was significant value in mitigating the problem in the old interpreter. Given the above, it was clear that the root cause was that our build system wasn’t able to reference libclang_rt.builtins-x86_64.a at build time.

Thus, the fix was adding deps = ["@//cc/clang:compiler-rt_builtins"] to our build.

Why did this missing symbol import error go undetected?

CPython caught the import error at runtime

What was happening in our old interpreter is that we were

  • Importing decimal, which first tried to import _decimal
  • _decimal failed due to an ImportError
  • The error was caught and instead Python imported _pydecimal

Thus, the Python interpreter guaranteed decimal functionality by catching the error (see the try/except above) and loading _pydecimal. By catching the error it took years for us to notice what was going on — which led to years of significant performance loss of my company’s systems.

Our C library couldn’t error at compile-time because it was expecting __udivti3 from the compiler at runtime

The build system worked as expected. It built the binary, which expected the symbol to be eventually resolved by a dynamic linker. As such, it couldn’t fail at compile time because of this — only at runtime, when CPython caught the error.

Creating tests for import errors

There’s two ways you can approach this.

The first is to create unit tests that try to import specific libraries that you know have C extensions.

# First import your test case
import unittest

class DecimalImportTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_can_import_decimal(self):
            import _decimal
            return"Could not import _decimal module")

The limitations of this approach are that:

  1. It requires awareness of whether a library is implemented as a C extension or in Python
  2. You need to write a test for every library
  3. Given the first 2, it creates more room for omissions or errors

A better way to test this is to programmatically import and catch errors. You can also extend this approach to test all 3rd party Python dependencies are being loaded correctly.


  1. Python has lots of C extensions that can be easily missed
  2. Missing C extensions in your interpreter or wheels is expensive
  3. You can test missing C files in Python

Further reading

How to diagnose and mitigate linking errors is a lighter introduction to compilation and linking.